The main theme of our film is Comedy/Horror. The first idea for our film is to have the characters camping out for the night in the middle of a park, then a killer kills the victim after he mistakes his identity for another person. This is going to be achieved in a funny fold of events to show that our film also has elements of comedy.
In our film opening, we have two main characters, the killer and his victim. The killer is The Striker. This is because he always strikes on his victims when the clock strikes 12 o'clock. hence the name of our film. The killer in the opening scene is familiar because we have based it on a previous horror/comedy movie scary movie, the killer always leaves a "trademark" behind to scare off the victims and have them to live in fear in case he strikes again. The "trademarks" are the warning given out by the killer. The killer will also wear a dark cloak and a stupid mask to show off his character and make him unique and a typical killer.
The goal of the killer will be to try and mislead his friends into believeing he isn't the killer, when really he will be plotting against them to kill them off throughout the story. A catchphrase that is used by the killer is "keep your friends close but your enemies closer". The killer uses this phrase as his trade mark as a warning to his victims that he may strike even though they know nothing about what he is planning. This will create a creepy atmosphere and set the tension for the rest of the audience to watch. So the killer arranges a camping trip, knowing that he will kill his friends, even though he will mistake the identity of the person he wants to kill for someone else.
The blond character that survives will find out what the killer has been up to and the reasons why he killed them people. This will lead to a big climax at the end of the film where the killer and the survivor are having a massive argument, which will then lead to a hysterical fight which ends when the killer suffers a massive heart attack and dies in the arms of the blond survivor, making her look like she has killed him. She was the target of the killer in the first place and she ended up on top at the end.
There is alot at stake for this film for the victims because they are thinking they are going out for a nice camping night with their friends to have a laugh, and that nothing like what happens that night will happen and then the killer strikes, which will create a dark atmosphere and masses of tension for the audience watching. Also, the killers reputation is at stake because it will be his friends that his is slowly killing off and is desperately trying not to give himself away because he goes missing to do the killings.
The film will take place in the wooded area of Radleys Park. We will put a tent in the middle of the woods and that is where the killing will take place.
Another interesting character that will be used is the killers getaway person. He will be a sinister character that seems like a psycho. He will drive his van to pick up the killer and speed up to try and make a quick getaway so they don't get caught.
I need to work on spaces for paragraphs. I also need more evidence to backup my points, links to websites and pictures to support. I have successfully added more pictures and adequate evidence and I will work to improve this further.